There was an interesting discussion in the EDS-UK Men’s support Group on Facebook recently about local anaesthetics, and how they are less effective on people with EDS Hypermobility type. It’s a well known problem, but the reason they are less effective seems to be unknown and there’s currently no accepted method of managing the issue.
Before I was diagnosed with EDS I avoided the dentist for years as I always found it painful. Eventually I found a sympathetic dentist who gave me a larger dose of anaesthetic which worked, but not for very long. I’m overdue for another dental check up and I’m pretty sure I need a couple of fillings. So for reasons mostly based on cowardice I thought I’d do a little research, hoping to find what theories there are about the cause of the problem and what practical advice there is for management.
After some quality time spent with Google I found a Danish team of doctors were the first to document the problem in 1990 (ref) (ref). They were taking biopsies to research skin strength in EDS and found the patients experienced pain despite local anaesthesia (Lidocaine). The patients also reported previous problems with local anaesthetics.
In 1991 the same team proposed the anaesthetic problem could have a useful application, as it could help distinguish people with EDS from people who just have Hypermobile joints (ref). These two groups of patients are hard to separate. But the test they suggested wasn’t widely adopted, perhaps because it involved sticking pins in people to see if it hurts?!
The most discussed theory I found for the cause of the problem is that the anaesthetic solution may diffuse away from the injection site too rapidly due to the lax nature of the connective tissues. If the anaesthetic disperses before it has taken full effect then the patient will not get sufficiently numb. This theory was tested by a study in the year 2000 which injected a radioactive solution into the skin (ref). They found the rate of dispersal was identical between patients with EDS and controls. It was one small study but casts a lot of doubt on the theory.
A couple of articles that discuss the ‘rapid diffusion’ theory suggest a drug that constricts blood vessels, such as epinephrine, could be used to reduce the problem. Epinephrine is a form of adrenaline, which can increase heart rate. Many people with EDS Hypermobility type also have POTS, so are already very prone to tachycardia. Using a drug such as epinephrine could create additional symptoms for people with POTS, but achieve nothing as rapid diffusion of the anaesthetic solution may not be the cause of the problem (ref) (ref).
I found two medical papers by a team of German doctors that mention a different theory for the cause of the anaesthetic problem (ref) (ref). In their paper titled Anaesthesia Recommendations for Patients Suffering from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome the authors comment ‘…local anaesthetics might have reduced or no effects in some patients. Tissue scarring results in reduced spread of the local anaesthetics and (nerve) block failure’. However no research is mentioned that supports the theory.
With no proven explanation the three main EDS charities all say the cause of the anaesthetic problem is unknown. The best general advice I found for managing the problem was from Dr Alan Hakim on the HMSA website (ref). ‘It is important for your dentist or your doctor to know if you have problems with local anaesthetics. Some people will respond to more than the standard dose or to regular top up of more anaesthetic during a procedure. If your dentist or doctor is not familiar with this issue in EDS then, in the first instance they may be reluctant to give you more anaesthetic. Tell them your situation and this will help them to understand and to help you’. – Dr Alan Hakim also wrote a paper about the issue with Professor Rogney Grahame in 2005 (ref).
I only found one medical paper that recommended a particular dosage to manage the anaesthetic problem (ref). In section 8.7 Surgical and Anaesthetic issues the writers comment ‘In case of local/minor surgery, consider the frequently reported resistance to intradermal lidocaine infiltrations and topical EMLA cream in JHS/EDS-HT; a double dose of anaesthetic by intradermal injection as the first choice may be effective.’
Several studies have looked at the possible benefits of pre-medicating with ibuprofen before a dental procedure, with mixed results (ref) (ref) (ref). A paper titled Pain Management for Dentists: The Role of Ibuprofen (ref) comments ‘Ibuprofen pre-medication therapy increases the depth of anaesthesia because of the COX pathway-blocking and PG-reducing effects of NSAIDs, which result in significant inhibition of stimulated nerve activity’ and ‘The pre-emptive use of an NSAID before an operation may be more beneficial than its use after an operation’ (NSAID = Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). These studies involved people who do not have EDS and overall the evidence is inconclusive. However for many of us with EDS any additional pain relief during or after a dental procedure would be welcome, so this might be an idea worth considering. Please discuss the use of ibuprofen or other NSAIDs with your doctor, as they are not suitable for everyone.
The last dentist I visited had never heard of EDS, let alone the anaesthetic issue it causes. Stickman Communications are always great for practical solutions to an EDS problem. They sell a key-ring card explaining the anaesthetic problem for dentists or doctors, so at least they’ll know you aren’t inventing the issue or drug seeking 🙂 (ref). – I promise I will receive no commission from this endorsement!
Numerous people with EDS also report experiencing problems with epidurals (ref) and general anaesthetics. The most comprehensive medical paper I found about EDS and anaesthetics can be viewed HERE. If you’re due for a procedure that requires an anaesthetic and want to ensure the issue is taken seriously, you could print the paper and give it to your medical team.
We’re not alone in living with the problem of ineffective local anaesthetics. People with red hair also don’t get the full benefit of these drugs. I’m not joking! (ref) (ref). Which makes you wonder, if you have both EDS and red hair, do anaesthetics have any effect at all?
Due to the lack of formal research into how best to manage this problem it’s difficult for doctors and the EDS charities to recommend a solution. However the problem always gets a lot of discussion in the social media with several alternatives to Lidocaine suggested (ref). The drugs that are frequently mentioned include Articaine (Septocaine), Carbocaine (an anaesthetic without epinephrine), and Bupivacaine (Marcaine). They all get mixed reviews, so it’s possible different drugs suit different people. But by discussing our experiences as a community we might find the drug that is most commonly effective for people with EDS. Perhaps it could be a first project for our new EDS-UK Men’s Support Group?
Thanks for reading, Ceri.
(Please remember I have no medical qualifications. I’m just a guy with EDS who wants to learn how to manage it better).
UPDATE: Thank you to Sandi, a reader who provided this link to an article in the British Dental Journal which mentions a small study which found those with anaesthetic resistance and JHS (Joint Hypermobility Syndrome) have a mutation in the SCN5A gene, responsible for variant voltage-gated sodium channel 1.5 (Nav1.5) in peripheral nerves. (ref).
Sandi also kindly provided this link to a very helpful document to be given to surgeons, anaesthesiologists and dentists before a procedure recommending precautions which should be taken for patients with hEDS / HSD when giving anaesthesia (ref).
June 12, 2015 @ 2:34 pm
Very interesting, thank you. Sounds like ibuprofen might be worth a try, especially if you have red hair!
June 13, 2015 @ 8:35 am
Thank you, it was interesting to research the problem. I’ve actually been pre-medicating for joint pain for a long time. When I know I’m going to strain a painful joint (like when my nieces visit!) I use ibuprofen gel beforehand, I think it helps.
June 12, 2015 @ 8:56 pm
Well, this is important stuff, Ces, as dentistry and other parts of medicine now depend a great deal on modern methods of pain relief. We have come a long way from Beano’s recommendations for tieing a bad tooth tightly to a door then slamming it shut! (Although maybe that’s now back as an option? !) So, back to being serious, many dentists must be reluctant to work on patients, eg for fillings, without effective anaesthetic. So they will need careful briefing.
Well done for the hard work – very important area for EDS patients.
June 14, 2015 @ 9:09 am
Thank you. Before I was diagnosed with EDS I had quite a few moments in dentists chairs that felt like ‘the Beano method’ was being used. It’s easier now I’m aware of the problem and the dentist can try to manage it. The issue needs research though. – A more serious blog post this one, hopefully people will find it helpful.
February 13, 2016 @ 8:09 am
Great write up of what I’ve heard repeatedly in the FB groups online and experienced a bit myself. I’ve added this post to my list of resources here, I hope you don’t mind:
February 13, 2016 @ 5:48 pm
Thank you! I appreciate you sharing the link. – I hadn’t come across your blog before. It’s very interesting and insightful. I’ll add it to my links page. (I hope you don’t mind!)
Thanks for your comment.
February 13, 2016 @ 7:07 pm
Sure, that would be great! Happy to share resources.
December 8, 2020 @ 12:59 pm
Thank you for all your research Ceri, this is a wonderful blog post.. im going for a cystopathy and am understandably worried about the lidocaine jelly working! .. just came across your blog on the subject of EDS and local anaesthetics..really appreciate all the information you have included here its so helpful
December 18, 2020 @ 9:19 pm
Hi Livvy,
Thanks for your message. Sorry to be slow replying. I’ve been busy with Christmas shopping and just noticed your message.
I’m glad you found this post helpful. Good luck with your procedure. I hope it goes well, and with good care is pain free!
December 4, 2021 @ 12:15 am
I know this is an older blog post, but all of your links are no longer working and I was so excited to find your post and try to get references for my daughter’s doctor. Anesthetic resistance in hEDS is a very important topic. So few doctors believe this can happen.
December 5, 2021 @ 5:14 pm
Hi Sandi,
I’m sorry the links are no longer working. It’s an important issue that needs to be highlighted to doctors and patients. I’ll do some research and update the post soon.
Best wishes, Ceri.
December 5, 2021 @ 5:52 pm
You are wonderful, thank you. Here are a few I found: (has a few tips) and That maybe can sub for some of the ones above. We had an awful time at Stanford. Ropivacaine lasted maybe an hour, and the doctor said it was impossible for it to wear off so fast and was absolutely horrible to her.
December 6, 2021 @ 7:05 am
Hi Sandi,
I fixed the links in the post, although one had to be removed as the website no longer exists. I added the links you provided as an update at the bottom, thank you.
Some years ago I gave some articles about this problem to my dentist, who was then very understanding and we found a larger dose of anaesthetic worked, although it took affect more slowly than is normal. I hope you find a more understanding doctor for your daughter.
Best wishes, Ceri.