EDS & Complementary / Alternative Therapies

I’ve been ill for 30 years with a condition that has progressed to the point that I use a power wheelchair, and for over ten years I couldn’t eat or drink. During that time I’ve been through periods when I felt quite desperate. I’d have tried anything and paid any amount for a small improvement. […]
Dem Bone Scans – Update 3

The month of May is National Pet Month, Bicycle Month, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month, and National Osteoporosis month. I’d like to write a topical article about my amazing pet that can ride a bike, but unfortunately it wouldn’t be true. I don’t own a pet, let alone a bike riding one. I do however have […]
Hickman Line #3

A Hickman line is a small silicone tube that passes through the skin on your chest and enters a main vein in your neck. The aim is to give easy long term access to your vascular system for infusing fluids or medications. In 2010 I developed gastroparesis and lost the ability to eat food, or […]
A blog post written by AI software

Recently on Facebook I’ve been seeing adverts for AI (artificial intelligence) software that claim the software could write blog posts for me. I’m not interested in replacing myself with software, but I was a bit intrigued. I went to the ‘ChatGPT’ website and made this request: ‘Write a blog post about living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome’. […]
TPN and Blood Tests

I started 2022 planning to write one blog post per month. I posted one in January, but then I got side-tracked by another EDS project, some building work done in my flat, turning 50 years old 😳😥, the World Cup, Christmas, and here we are 14 months later and I’m finally writing my blog again. […]