My New Year’s Resolutions
Is it too late for New Year’s resolutions? I hope not. If you read my last post ‘Twelve Days of Christmas …in hospital’ you’ll know I have a pretty good excuse. Also by writing these in mid January free from a New Year’s eve hangover and the mindless optimism of the first few days of […]
Twelve Days of Christmas …in hospital
Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I did plan to do a couple of posts before Christmas but I got a little, er side tracked. I’ve always really loved Christmas. Not just the day itself, but the preparation, the anticipation, singing along to The Pogues, decorating the tree, wrapping presents, the whole daft tinselly […]
Thank you Hannah Ensor
I have no artistic talent whatsoever, literally none. So when it came to making a header image for this blog I was rather stumped. I wanted to avoid drawing anything, so I bought a toy bendyman on eBay and photographed it in various silly positions which were supposed to show hypermobility. It was a fun idea, […]
Hello World!
Welcome to ‘A Reluctant Contortionist’, a blog about being too bendy. So why am I starting a blog? For a long time now I’ve wanted to do something to help the cause of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). But what exactly? I’m not smart enough to find a cure. I have EDS so I can’t run […]